Friday, March 5, 2010

Wake Me Up

It seems as though there are not enough hours in the day. Between work, working out, writing articles for small publications, community service, church, and hanging out with friends, I barely have enough time for sleep. This was something I used to be able the manage. Over the months few months, almost a year however, all I've been doing is sleeping! I've had bad sleep habits from college that I've been trying to break but it just doesn't seem to work. By the time I get home from work in the afternoon, all I want to do is watch the idiot box till I fall asleep. I know I'm not lazy, and I refuse to believe that its age ( I'm still a PYT). I even intended to post the article on kids in jail, but I barely have the time to write this post! I'd rather post the article once I've done some research and make it extensive, meaningful and well thought out as this is a subject I'm very passionate about.
Does this happen to everyone at this age, or am I just playing catch up on the sleep I didn't get a while ago? I am determined to break out of this habit. Life is passing me by while I'm asleep and I would hate to look back at my 20s and think I did nothing with my time but work, and go home, that's something for my 60s, pre-retirement. Hopefully as the weather warms up I can get back to my old self. We'll see how it turns out. Until then those of you who know me, if you want to hang out, please wake me up! Don't let me sleep through life!

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