Friday, October 16, 2009


Day 20:Who do I need to restore a broken relationship with today?

This is a very personal question so I won’t go into that. However I will discuss a little bit about this chapter.

Day 20 talks about restoring broken relationships. It pretty much discusses that we need to be open with one another, reconcile with the person first and then work on the issue, accept your responsibility in the conflict, etc. The chapter even says that we should not disconnect ourselves with the other person. I’m not sure how practical this is. There are some instances where you just have to part ways with someone, Christian or not. I have a few instances where this is the case. I forgive the people that have made transgressions against me or done things I am against, however for those circumstances it is best not to continue to the relationship. These however are extreme circumstances.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

More on Community

Day 19: How can I help cultivate today the characteristics of real community in my small group and church?

I can't really answer this question as I don't really belong to either. I can however discuss what I can do in general while working towards finding a small group or church. Day 19 discusses 5 characteristics we should have in relating to one another; honesty, humility, courtesy, confidentiality, and frequency. First be honest but gentle, don't criticize someone if you see they are going the wrong way but try to help them get back on track. The second characteristic is humility- we are all sinners, don't be ashamed to admit you're wrong or need help with your walk, do not place your self higher than anyone else or become any one's judge- its God's job not yours. Third, have patience and understanding even with the most difficult people as they are still part of God's family. Fourth is confidentiality, in a nutshell, don't be a gossip, its unChristianlike and will only lead to strife, bitterness and confusion- God is not the author of confusion!. Last is frequency, continue to go to church and small church groups, being in regular contact with people will help to build relationships.

All of the characteristics mentioned above are things that people should do in general and are sometimes difficult. For example, when you care about someone, you try to spare their feelings and let things slide because you don't want to offend them or have resent you. However a true friend doesn't cosign on nonsense. I'd rather have someone tell me I am going the wrong way (in a nice way of course) than let me fall down a ditch. This is especially crucial since that ditch is hell!

As I mentioned in previous blogs I am in the process of finding my church home and already have a few people I can fellowship with. I am hoping to use what I have learned in the last few chapters, especially this one, once that has been established. I am happy to say that it seems I getting close. I will continue to pray on it, and hope anyone who reads this will pray for me as well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 18 Life Together

Day 18 Question: What one step can I take today to connect with another believer at a more genuine, heart to heart level?

Day 18 discusses communication and fellowship with believers. It discusses the fact that people should be more involved in the lives of others, not out of nosiness but out of sympathy, consideration and concern. While we can not do this with everyone as there are so many people, we should have a small group of friends/believers in which we reflect, socialize and get to know.

At first I had a little bit of trouble with this as I am a very solitary person. I keep very few people close to me and none of them know everything about me. However when thinking about the aforementioned question, I realized that while I do connect with others I can still do more. I will not let everyone into my life because in this world you can't trust everyone and just because someone talks about God doesn't mean he couldn't be a demon in disguise. I will continue to socialize with others but I will make an extra effort to at least speak to someone new at church every week.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Place to Belong

Day 17: Does my level of involvement in my local church demonstrate that I love and am committed to God’s Family?

It has taken me quite some time to realize that I should start going to church. I used to believe that church wasn’t necessary, as long as I believed in God it would be fine since my relationship with God is personal. There was a point when I was antichurch, when I did not want to go because I saw things within various churches that I became disgusted with. I decided then that church wasn’t for me. It wasn’t till about a couple of years ago that God put it in my heart to give church another try. Since then while I have only gone to church on and off, I have been searching for the right church. While I realize that there is no such thing as a perfect church, I am hoping to realize which church family I belong with.
As Day 17, has described, I am an “attender” not a member of church. These are people who go to church but do not belong and do not serve in any kind of ministry. I have yet to be baptized or become an official member of any church. However I know that I will get there. Day 17, urges reader who are “attenders” to become members of a local church. I am going to do so but not take it likely, because there is no such thing as a perfect church; I refuse to be part of something that teaches false doctrine or practices. Thus far some of the churches I have attended have been great, at this point, it’s taking the next step and finally choosing the church in which I have the most connection with members.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Relationship Building

Day 16: Honestly, are my relationships my first priority? How can I ensure that they are?

My relationships are not my first priority, because in all honesty I don’t have that many relationships to maintain. I am learning to cut toxic people out of my life; users, abusers, and people who have negative things to say because I am a believer. I need to start over with my relationships. As I mentioned in the last blog post, I am going to attempt to build the relationships I already have and gain new ones. Hopefully I will now have the wisdom to pick proper people to be in my life.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 15 Friendships and Family

Day 15

How can I start treating believers like members of my own family?

Day 15 goes into how as a believer, I am part of a family with other believers. My problem is I’m not exactly a social person; granted I can be when necessary but I find people exhausting. As I am also an introvert, it takes me a while to get comfortable around people, and for them to get to know me.
To answer the above question, there are a few things I can do just like everyone else. I can befriend fellow believers, listen to them, and become more involved and social while in church. I realize this is critical as God wants us all to be in fellowship; however I am not the most social person. I have given this thought, and the only solution I could come up with is to continue to be in fellowship with those who I already know and continue to grow in that, and then possibly through these people meet others who share the same beliefs. This may seem like a simple solution to a very simple question, but to an introvert like me this is a lot of work.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Presence- Day 14

Day 14: How can I stay focused on God’s presence, especially when he feels distant?

This chapter really spoke to me. For the longest time, I thought that I had to feel something in order to be close to God. This chapter says I don’t. I am still wondering about this joy that everyone seems to talk about. So to answer the question above, I don’t really have to do anything. I KNOW He exists and is always there, even though I have never felt anything. It’s not about feeling it’s about believing. According to this chapter I‘ve been on target. I pray and worship or at least try to even when I don’t feel like it. Even if I am angry with Him, I’ll let Him know how I feel because He wants me to be honest. That’s all I have to keep doing! It’s hard but I’m going to keep trying!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 13

Day 13
What is more pleasing to God, my worship in public or private?

I have no idea. This chapter focuses on how to worship. The four criteria are to be accurate, authentic, thoughtful and practical. I try to maintain these criteria in my prayer life. My prayer life reflects who I am. I make noise when I feel the need but I am mostly quite. I prefer prayer in private than in public. I don’t feel the need to make everyone know when and how I pray- it’s not necessary. I don’t jump up and down, scream, pass out or speak in tongues. I appreciate that some people have that spiritual connection to do so but I suppose mine is much more subdued.
One of my favorite radio church programs recently spoke about this. Everyone’s prayer life is different, it reflects everyone’s personalities. There is no one way to worship. As long as you do it whole heartedly, honestly and truthfully, you can’t go wrong.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Practical Choices

Day 12 asks what kinds of practical choices I can make to be closer to God. It also discusses developing a friendship with Him. As I read, I noticed a part of the chapter that mentioned that some people believe that Christians pray due to fear or obligation. This part of the chapter really spoke to me, because growing up, that was my reason for prayer; I thought it was something I had to do otherwise a great giant power would strike me dead at any moment. While I don’t necessarily believe this any longer, a part of this belief is still with me. It’s hard to develop love or friendship with someone that you spent your life in fear of. Reading the bible has helped but I’m still waiting to feel something, I’m not sure what it is yet, but I’ll know when its there.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My New BFF

Day 11 discusses ways to think about God more often throughout the day, in this way we are able to know Him and develop the friendship He wants with us. The chapter goes into how God wants be our best friend. This concept made me laugh at first. After more thought, I realized that it makes sense. God knows me better than any of my friends do, and when they fail me, He won’t.
So back to the question of the day… What can I do to remind myself to think about God and talk to Him more often throughout the day?
I’ve thought about the numerous things I have to do throughout the day, work, deal with dumb people’s drama, write this blog, etc, and how I can manage to think more about God with all this going on.
My solution is to think about Him with every new thing I do, even better yet, since the people at work annoy me so much, I need to think about God then. Once I do that not only will I develop a better relationship with Him, but I can finally learn to ignore their nonsense and not lose my cool. God is the key to peace and serenity.