Saturday, September 19, 2009

Life is a Temporary Assignment

Chapter 6 discusses how time on this Earth is fleeting in comparison to life in eternity. I t goes on to say that because life on Earth is a small portion of our lives, we shouldn’t be worried about the material things in this life. It says that we shouldn’t be focused on fancy cars or obsessed with one day obtaining $500 name brand shoes. In the end none of this matters. What does matter is what we do while on this earth, because that affects how our lives will be in eternity.
This is another hard chapter for me to come to terms with; however I am beginning to understand more and more. While I have never wanted to be rich and famous, I have always tried to do my best and hope that I can be a success and make an impact on the world… in a good way. I wanted to leave some kind of legacy. Since we are not to be concerned of the things of the world, and will not be here for long, does this mean that we shouldn’t strive to be as successful as possible? This is my confusion with this chapter. I’m not sure that this is what is meant by this but I could be wrong. I think maybe God wants us to strive to be the best, doctor, attorney, businessperson, etc that we possibly can be, but not focus our whole lives on it, and not be obsessed with it. In the end it doesn’t matter how many mansions you owned or how much your wardrobe costs, but how you lived your life on this earth while you had the chance. I think this chapter tells people that we should be more well rounded; love God, love life and make the best of this world while we’re in it, live in the world, use it for what you can but don’t be of the world.

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