Monday, June 29, 2009

Please Be Advised

Hello readers! Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog. Let me introduce myself, my name is Still Waters. I’m called this because of my quiet nature. I don’t say much and I have never been the social butterfly, but when I do communicate, whatever I have to say or write will be thought provoking and sometimes shocking and hopefully spark a conversation. I’m not saying everything I say or write is going to have some kind of deep neo-soul eclectic message, but I hope it will get you to think outside of your norms. I’m a woman in my mid 20’s so a lot of what you read will reflect that. I’m an educated woman that knows what she’s about, and what she wants, but is still trying to figure out how to get it without selling her soul. It took me a while to figure out what was quite obvious to everyone else… my creativity, sarcasm, and tell it like it is regardless of the cost demeanor makes me the best writer I could possibly be.
This site will feature articles on things that impact my life and those around me. You will read my opinions on society, current events, culture, relationships, and whatever happens to have me scratch my head that day. I don’t claim to know it all, but I do have some kind of clue. Fact of the matter is a lot of the people I encounter on a daily basis are idiots. The things that they do and say are just remarkably dumb, so you may hear a bit about that too.
Some of you may agree with the articles, some of you may not. However please be advised that these articles are based on MY OPINION, and things that have happened in my life. Feel free to post your responses, good or bad. If you can’t take two seconds to maybe consider something different, then you’re just one of the idiots I referred to. I’m not saying agree with me, just think. So I’m going to end this entry as I will end all future entries, thanks to all supporters and even the haters. To those who feel the need to disrespect and refuse to open your minds, I have one thing to say to you…KICK ROCKS!

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